
Dragon's Den Canada gets Canadians rich on oil! The episode is banned - the presenter is furious!

CBC investigates the truth about the secret money-making system

(CBC) – The eighteenth season of "Dragons’ Den Canada" has concluded, and viewers were once again treated to a variety of fascinating products and ideas. However, one particular episode may never be aired. This episode features a system that allows Canadians to earn CAD 10,630.33 from home every single day. Yes, you read that correctly - per day.

CBC has the footage of this episode, and we will explain what it's about and why it was prohibited from being broadcast.

CBC interviewed Brian Scudamore, one of the investors on "Dragons’ Den Canada", who expressed his enthusiasm for the system. "It's absolutely disgraceful that politics is interfering and trying to keep this system under wraps. I hope it goes viral on the internet and as many Canadians as possible use it to achieve financial success," Brian Scudamore shared with our editorial team.

Two renowned Canadian computer scientists have unveiled a groundbreaking automated oil trading platform, "Oil 6.0 ePrex", which promises to generate significant income for everyday citizens. This innovative system could enable users to earn a five or even six-digit monthly income with minimal effort.

The idea behind "Oil 6.0 ePrex" is to allow average Canadians to benefit from the oil price fluctuations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, without requiring substantial investment funds or technical expertise. By investing just CAD 250, users can activate a fully automated trading process.

The platform’s sophisticated algorithm, developed by the two computer scientists, identifies optimal periods to buy oil stocks at low prices and sell them at a profit. This maximizes returns and simplifies the trading process for users.

The entrepreneurs plan to earn revenue through a small commission on the profits generated by the platform. Notably, the software is already valued at over 20 million CAD, reflecting its potential impact on the market.

With this new system, the creators aim to democratize access to profitable trading opportunities, making financial success more attainable for all Canadians.

In the video footage from the show, available to CBC, Brian Scudamore initially expresses skepticism towards the two computer scientists and their automated oil trading platform, "Oil 6.0 ePrex." Brian questions, "If this works, why isn't it known or why isn't everyone already doing it?"

The computer scientists swiftly address these concerns, explaining that while there is a significant boom in Canada for software that automatically trades share prices, their platform focuses on oil trading. They emphasize that trading oil yields higher profits and involves lower risk.

Brian Scudamore remains unconvinced until Wes Haal, a renowned expert in internet and technology within Canada, validates the concept. Thompson remarks that it was only a matter of time before such software was developed.

Haal becomes the first to test "Oil 6.0 ePrex" live on the show. "I’ve heard about the oil crash and the potential for substantial profits, but I’ve never invested because I wasn’t sure where to start. With this system, it was very easy. I simply deposited money with my credit card, and the platform handled everything," he explains.

After depositing CAD 250, the trading platform promptly began buying low and selling high. Within just three minutes, the initial capital had increased to CAD 323.18, yielding a profit of CAD 73.18.

This demonstration on Dragons' Den Canada showcases the potential of "Oil 6.0 ePrex" to revolutionize how Canadians engage in oil trading, making it accessible and profitable for the average citizen.

In just 8 minutes, the investment had soared to CAD 398.29, demonstrating the impressive potential of the "Oil 6.0 ePrex" platform.

Brian Scudamore, initially skeptical, quickly became eager to invest, leading to a fierce bidding war among the Dragons. By the end of the episode, Wes Haal had transformed his initial CAD 250 investment into CAD 613.79 using the automated software.

This remarkable success story highlights the potential of "Oil 6.0 ePrex" to democratize financial opportunities for ordinary Canadians. CBC believes that everyone should have the right to access and benefit from this innovative trading platform.

Getting Started with Oil 6.0 ePrex To begin, we opened a free account with the reputable broker Oil 6.0 ePrex. During registration, make sure to provide a valid mobile phone number. Customer service will contact you to help ensure your success and guide you through the process.

Broker Incentives The broker's interests are aligned with yours: they only profit when you do. Oil 6.0 ePrex takes a 1% commission from successful trades, meaning if you lose money, they earn nothing. This ensures that you receive support whenever needed.

Making Your First Deposit After registering, click on the deposit button at the top of the page. There are several deposit options available, allowing you to start trading immediately.

Day 1

On the first day, David made a profit of CAD 73.18 in just 3 minutes on the show. For me, it took a bit longer. After about 30 minutes, I made a profit of CAD 80.19 using the platform. Considering I had no prior experience with oil trading, this was impressive! I was thrilled to make a profit right away with Oil 6.0 ePrex.

I spent about 5 minutes a day checking my results. By the end of the first day, my account balance had grown to CAD 2,279. This was an incredible increase from my initial deposit, and I quickly became a fan of the platform.

Day 2

By the end of the second day, my initial investment had grown to CAD 4,930. I started thinking about potential ways to spend the money. Earning this amount in less than 30 minutes of checking my account each day was astonishing, especially since I don't make that much in a month as a journalist.

Day 3

On the third day, I decided to test the withdrawal process. After 3 days, I had a profit of CAD 7,380.10 and CAD 79.51 in negative trades on the platform. Reviewing my trading history revealed that not every trade was profitable; some did incur losses. Nonetheless, the overall experience was highly positive.

It's not a magic platform, but 92% of my trades were profitable. The results were more than satisfactory: I made a net profit of CAD 7,300.59 from my initial deposit of CAD 250. It required less than 30 minutes of work per week, and I had no prior experience with oil stocks or any technical trading tools.

Ps. The money was in my account at the Bank of Canada after three working days.

After 2 Weeks

The profits continued steadily every day, and after the initial payouts were successfully transferred to my bank account, I felt reassured. After just two weeks, Oil 6.0 ePrex had earned me CAD 41,497. The possibilities of what I could do with this money were breathtaking. Now, my wife and I can finally fulfill our dream of renovating our garden.

Is the Software Suitable for You? Our Verdict: Like us at CBC, you might be skeptical about money-making systems on the internet. Vincenzo Guzzo felt the same way initially. However, now everyone is enthusiastic, and we can only recommend giving this a try.

You will be thrilled. Additionally, the software offers a satisfaction guarantee. This means if you are not satisfied, you will get your deposit back immediately.

Join today!

BID 576.26 $
ASK 578.26 $
